Nicola Pozzani: How to make perfumes for the Queen

Nicola Pozzani is a catalyst for people's ideas and emotions, through fragrance. He works on scent-related projects globally, travelling from place to place, mostly between education and fragrance development. His public workshops are held within the academia, and he’s also engaged with cross-sector organizations creating bespoke experiences and events around fragrance. It’s all about boosting different processes such as creativity or networking, he tells us, from corporate team buildings to wine

Period at the office: a guide for talking about it

Câte dintre noi nu am primit comentarii negative legate de menstruatie cel puțin o dată în viață? Nu mai e nicio surpriză faptul că a purta o conversație despre ciclu la job, cu colegii tăi sau un manager devine un task uneori dificil sau chiar imposibil. Dar de ce se întâmplă asta? Explorăm tema abordării unui subiect (încă) delicat la locul de muncă, iar dacă vrei să afli câteva trucuri simple despre cum să vorbești despre menstruație la job, citește mai departe!

Why body neutrality is hot

Când ne gândim la corpul nostru, ne aflăm adesea în situația de a naviga pe o hartă cu comori și pericole ascunse. Într-o eră dominată de social media e destul de dificil să faci călătoria asta fără probleme, când există atât de multe reguli, norme și mituri pe care ar „trebui” să le urmezi, căutând îndrumare pentru a ajunge la "cea mai bună versiune a ta". Și dacă un astfel de lucru nu există? Cum îți accepți corpul așa cum este?

Dans le noir? Experiencing eating in the dark…

Originating in the early ‘90s in France, Germany and Switzerland, the idea of dining in the dark has since grown and developed in quite a few places over the world. Known mostly by foodies with an adventurous spirit, it hasn’t become yet a mainstream attraction, although it is quite the event! In its beginnings, Spielmann, blind himself, would blindfold his dinner-party guests to show them what the experience of eating was like for him. We read about such parties in stories, but when it came to

6 ways to improve your creative writing skills

We all had that moment of fear of the blank page, l’angoisse de la page blanche, as the French call it. It usually comes when you don’t need it, making a fuss, entering your world storming, bitching and moaning, screaming “I don’t know what to write about!” Worry not, as there are many ways to fight it. Today, I’ll share with you some tips, but these are not the only ones. I recently read a wonderful article on writers and their clothes in The London Review of Books magazine and found this incr

How to Be in Tune with the Changing Needs of Your Customers

Dynamic, diverse, fluid—2020’s workforce is an unusual mix of different ages, locations, ethnicities, and genders. It’s slightly becoming more personal, but still filling in the shape of a corporatus—the origin of the late 15th-century corporate comes from the Latin corporare, which means to “form into a body.” So, how is this “body” looking today? Why is it so important? And how will HR catch up with the most diverse workforce in history? In this article, we’re looking at what does a diverse workforce mean, the best ways to manage it, and what are its real benefits.


I went to see May Hands’ show in London on a Sunday morning. It wasn’t official, but then we didn’t need it to be official, as we know each other for a few years now since we first worked together. I got off the train near Hackney and made my way towards the gallery, strolling these unknown streets like a mouse in a new mousetrap. A few secret places, graffiti walls and obscure street ends, and I had arrived at Supplement Gallery, entering through a back door (or was it the main entrance?). May